This is the new pow 2017. And it's really good.
(ok I might be biased ;)
But it's by far the best PoW (concept and implementation) ever ! Ever, ever, ever!!
I call it SQUEEZY => for Simple, Quick and Easy.
As simple to use as possible. Everything you always need on board. And you can always escape and go RAW. Batteries included! (tornado Webswerver, SQLite DB)
Strong Foundation:
- python 3.x
- tornado webserver
- sqlalchemy ORM
- cerberus schemas and validation on board
- tornado templates
- tinyDB, MongoDB and ElasticSearch on board... more to come
Super easy, quick to start and all the basics on board:
- super easy relations with decorators @relations.has_many("comments")
- super easy REST routing with decorators @app.add_restful_routes(),
- routing decorator @app.add_route(route)
- db migrations autogenerated using alembic in the back
- validation on board with cerberus schemas
- use the same schema descrition for all model types (sql, nosql, elastic..)
- generate_models script
- generate_migrations script
- update_db script
- generate_handlers
- generate_app
- automatic scaffolding views
Current Status:
The current
Code examples
# this will call the myget methog on HTTP GET calls.
# and will hand over the re-group as the 1st parameter.
@app.add_route("/index/([0-9]+)*", dispatch={"get" : "myget"})
class IndexdHandler(BaseHandler):
def myget(self, index=None):
print(" index:" + str(index))
Relations: (SQL Models)
class Post(Base):
# a blog Post
schema = {
'text': {'type': 'string'},
'name': {'type': 'string', 'maxlength' : 35},
'last': {'type': 'number'}
For more check: The PythonOnWheels Homepage